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A Personalized SA Dagger By A Scarce Maker Wagner & Lange

This is a very nice early personalized SA dagger by Wagner & Lange Solingen.  The vet who brought it home also scratched Blake Jed Germany 1945 in the upper part of the scabbard.  The presentation on the cross guard is: Weihnachten 1934  R. Herwegh Which translates Christmas Eve 1934 and the person's name it was given to R. Herwegh.  It has the group mark He for Hessen so I think this could be researched!  The SA maker Wagner & Lange has a rarity rating of 7 out of 10 on the McSaar's SA rarity rating list.  This is a rare opportunity don't miss out!

Weihnachten 1934  R. Herwegh Which translates Christmas Eve 1934 and the person's name it was given to R. Herwegh.  I think this could be researched.

The Vet scratched his name and the date in the scabbard.  Blake Jed April 1945

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